The Story of Deacon

Well, no one really knows Deacons real name… I’ve personally given up trying to find out that one… Deacon, the French Canadian, was born somewhere in a small house 100 miles north east of Montreal, Canada… Near a town called Trois-Rivieres… This much I do know… At the age of 11, Deacon’s mother was diagnosed with an acute form of Alzheimer’s, and was sent away to be cared for by family just over the border into the US… Since he wasn’t given much of a choice in the matter, Deacon was sent away to live with his Grandmother just outside of Montreal…

Grandma Erula was her name, and she barely spoke any English… Erula was a tough old woman that had a beautiful love affair with the dramatic… A scotch on the rocks with a twist of Lime comes in a close 2nd… She was the kind of woman you’d expect to be hanging around the red light district… Not for the Sin of it all, but for the conversation…

Deacon often talked about how his Grandmother would go to the local Brothel, Le Couquain, to see her best friend from their childhood, Madame Elainea… The Momma Hen… You see, Erula never held it over Elainea’s head for being a whore… It quite intrigued Grandma… Deacon would often say that those were the “most real people” he’d ever met… And that’s where he was most at home… Ironically enough, after living with his grandmother for about 2 years, Grandma Erula passed away in her sleep one cold December night… Once again, Deacon was left alone to fend for himself… But it seemed that Erula and Elainea made a deal to have Deacon stay at the Le Couquain… And this is where the Deacon's love for the drums and percussion was born…

Deacon’s stay at the Brothel was an immense learning experience for him as young lad… Most of his time was cleaning, washing towels, cooking, and whatever else the ladies needed… He truly loved those woman… And they all took him in as their own… A lucky boy Deacon was to have the love of 20 mothers… But one in particular would change his life forever… Lucille, a huge woman of Viking Descent, had the most beautiful Tenor voice you could ever imagine… And she was one of the main reason Le Couquain was as popular as it was… Of course the main reason is obvious… The women…

Lucille would play and sing all night to the patrons… She too was a working woman, but seldom worked… “Not sure why,” Deacon would often say… During these musical sets, he would sit behind some curtains just out of sight to watch and listen… He began to pick up pots and pans, glasses, whatever he could find to play along… After some time doing this, Lucille pulled him from behind the curtain to play a song with her…

“Come out from behind there Deacon and play a song with me. Ladies and Gentleman, my son, Deacon.”

You see, Lucille knew for sometime that he was back there behind the curtains, but she just chose to ignore him… But this night was different, Deacon played something that really struck a chord with Lucille… She stopped everything and made him come out from behind the curtain with his spoons and Pans… This would be the 1st of many nights that Deacon would play with Lucille for the patrons of the Le Couquain… On his 17th birthday, all the women at the Brothel chipped in and bought Deacon his first drum set… For as long as he could remember, he wanted nothing more than to be a musician… So he set off with $200 in his pocket, a sleeping bag, and a box of twinkies… The Big Apple was where he was heading…

After arriving in the City, he met a young punk rocker by the name of Scoundrel… Don’t know his real name either… So the boys started a band called, The So What’s… A ruthless Punk band with no real skill, but with plenty of Balls… A power Trio, Scoundrel on guitar/vocal, and a curly hair boy by the name of Dirt on the bass, and Deacon on drums… This project lasted for almost 3 years before Deacon’s love for other styles of music began to occupy his mind… The group finally broke up when Deacon decided to leave the City to attend a small university in Connecticut… Where he was offered a full scholarship for music… There he would study Jazz, composition, and theory, for 4 years…

Deacon later would say, that the day he graduated was the happiest day of his life, especially for all of his mothers… Imagine 20 working women, of the sinful kind, celebrating with Deacon after graduation… Each one he’d introduce as his mother to his friends and instructors… After years of studying music, it was time to head back to the City to put into practice all that he had learned…

He landed his first gig playing with the multi-talented guitarist, Ben Washington… Word got out quick about this French Canadian drummer that would play odd percussion instruments to the blues and jazz… For the most part, he was a Kit player, but there was something about his playing that caught peoples attention… Soon Deacon was picking up studio gigs and became a regular at the Lost Cantina… Where all the Jazz Cats would go hang to jam and share their stories… This became Deacon’s home away from home… But something was missing… He soon became curious with the West Coast, more importantly, Los Angeles, California… So with the help from Madame Elainae and the ladies, Deacon loaded up a U haul and headed out West… To the land of the Muddy Rain…